As Sinas
Leaving the municipal capital in the direction of VilagarcÃa, you will find this beach, which, despite being less than a kilometre long, has a wide range of options especially focused on families. With fine white sand and surrounded by rocks, it offers beautiful views of the RÃa de Arousa, dotted with mussel rafts.
In addition to being able to lie quietly in the sun, it has a wooden walkway along which you can enjoy a pleasant walk by the sea. Very close to the beach, there is also a children’s area and a Pump Track circuit for bicycle lovers.
It is an ideal space to spend a day with the family, eating in the picnic area in the shade of the trees or in one of the two eating establishments in the area, enjoying water sports and the beautiful panoramic views that this sandy area offers. It has showers, footbaths and toilets. There is usually a life guard service manned by a group of Red Cross volunteers.
36629Â Vilanova de Arousa – Pontevedra
42º 34′ 37.5″ N – 8º 49′ 11.5″ W